This sweet thing just gets sweeter with each new day! I could eat him up. He is the most content baby ever! He never cries and sleeps like a champ. He sleeps from 8:00 pm to about 8:30-9:00 am. He never wakes up. He has been sleeping through the night from about 4 weeks. He is just a dream. God knew that we needed our 4th to be easy, and he sure did bless us with that! He is still pretty much sleeping and eating! He will coo a little and now he can follow you around the room with his eyes and head. His head control is getting really good. He poops like a champ and has blow outs a few times a day..... Still trying different diapers to see if that may be the problem. He is a wonderful breast fed baby and nurses anywhere from 3 to 4 hours. He is just plain wonderful. My only request is for time to slow the heck down. Love my little man!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
3 days ago
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