Friday, August 17, 2012

Walker's first week long church camp

Our church had several kids go to Woodlands Camp in Cleveland Georgia. It was Walker's first camp and I was a little hesitant about him going. He really wanted to go and with some friends from church goings figured it would be ok. My hesitation was that I couldn't at to him for a week unless emergency, and that he would have to be 100% independent. As a mom I make sure that he is taken care of and this was the hardest part. Walker didn't seemed hesitant at all! Eric and I were able to drive him to camp ourselves and get him settled in his cabin. As you can see from pictures below I was able to make his bed and get him settled in. We quickly left him and off we went our separate ways. As you can imagined I was anxious to get him back all week so I could see how camp was and to see that he actually can be independent. Friday comes and we head up to camp to pick him up. We were all very excited to see him as we missed him a ton. Needless to say the boy had a blast and the first thing he said was, "can I go back next year?" I knew immediately it was awesome! They did all kinds of cool things including zip lining, paddle boats, slid into water from huge slides, rode jet skis, and tons more! Most importantly he learned a lot about Jesus! I would highly recommend this camp to anyone! He did survive by himself but it wasn't pretty. His suitcase was still full of mostly clean clothes. He only changed outfits twice, never changed underwear, brushed his teeth only twice, and was a very dirty little boy. I couldn't wait to get him home and scrub him down. This will definitely be on his list of things to do next year!!

Walker's Cabin

1 comment:

Bringing Home to the City said...

I cannot believe he is old enough to go to camp alone. I must say, it looks like so much fun - no wander he loved it!