Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Walker Cutting a Rug at his AR Party at School

We went to Walker's school last Friday for his AR party.  This is an accelerated reading party that they do every quarter.  The kids have been learning the "Ice Cream and Cake", and "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" dance during P.E. At the end of the AR party all of the kids, parents, and teachers all went down on the gym floor and the kids did the dance.  Eric and I were in complete Shock at Walker's performance.  If you know him, you know that this is a big deal!  He is usually so shy and just usually would stand there.  We were so pumped.  Needless to say, Walker has a little rhythm , and he is definitely coming out of his shell!  We love this kid and his dance moves!  Henry better watch out!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Love it, Love it, Love it