Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pop and Gran Jan's, Logan and Regan's Birthday Party

This past weekend Henry, Foster, and I headed up to Spartanburg and then to Charlotte.  We left on Thursday and spent a couple of days at mom and dad's.  We had a lot of time hanging out and relaxing with them.  We of course spent some time with the animals, hung out with family, and relaxed.  Henry and I headed up to Charlotte on Saturday morning for the night.  My friend Mendy was having her two kid's birthday parties on Saturday.  Logan was turning 5 and Regan turned 2.  It was such a great weekend.  Logan and Henry talk about each other a good bit but we don't get to see each other often enough.  They had the best time playing together.  Mendy and I enjoyed watching our little boys play and we had a blast hanging out as well.  

Henry and Pop building a fire in the fire pit so we could roast hotdogs.  This is one of Henry's favorite thing to do at their house. 

Foster and his second cousin Riley Belle

Me and Miss Regan

Isn't she just gorgeous?  I had a blast hanging out with her.  I got her dressed for her party, gave her a bath, and just ate her up!

Henry and Logan being iron man and power ranger

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