Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Turning 30

On August 1st I turned 30.  Somehow we managed not getting any pics on my birthday.  We celebrated it by just hanging out together and going out to eat.  I kept telling Eric that I didn't want any kind of party at all.  I guess just being pregnant I would rather celebrate at a later time.  All I wanted to do was chill.  It was a wonderful day with the family!  People kept asking me if I felt any older and my answer was "of course".  I told everyone that they should ask me in 3 months and hopefully my answer then would be a no.  Of course I feel every bit of 30, at the time I was 8 1/2 months pregnant, in the dead of summer.  I actually felt like a 50 year old.  Not a good time to ask me that question.  However, I know that in a few months I will feel every bit of 25 again!!!

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