Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Surprises at our doorstep!

Goodies left at door!

2 very very excited little boys

The Goodies

Boys favorite

Mama's favorite!

As of yesterday we were confirmed to have strep in our house. Boys felt bad all weekend and the doctor confirmed it yesterday!  We are so glad that it came this week as oppose to next week when Foster gets here!  Needless to say we have been locked in the house all weekend and I am about to go a little crazy.  My sweet, sweet little sister got word of it yesterday and just couldn't stand it!  She called me this morning and told me that in 30 minutes my doorbell would ring and for us to go to the door that there would be surprises, and for me to call her after I got it.  The boys were soooo excited when they went to the door and saw the goodies.  Henry couldn't pick up the phone quick enough to call Aunt "Marshama James" quick enough to thank her.  Our goodies included: For boys- Gatorade, spaghetti o's and meatballs, monster cookies, and ice cream sandwiches.  For mama- Dr. Pepper, apple fritter, Klondike bars, chicken noodle soup and bananas.  This is all of our favorite things, that we seldom have in the house all at once.  Junk food for the sick makes the sick feel so much better, and my sister knew just that!  We are so blessed to have such a wonderful sister and aunt who knows how make us feel better!  We love you so much!!!


Jan Walker said...

She is absolutely the best. This is just what she does best - take care of us. I love the picture of sweet Walker in his little underwear. Great post.

Meredith said...

Made my eyes well up! You are so fortunate to live not too far from your siblings.

Jackie said...

Yes you are Ellen BUT that doesn't mean Stephanie should move to N.C. Ha Ha