Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Walker's 8th Birthday- December 30th 2011 A letter from "Mama"



         I can't believe that you are 8 years old now! You have truly been such a gift to me and your dad. Our lives changed so much 8 years ago... We met our precious first born child,you. We became parents for the very first time and you changed us forever! We could not have asked for a better baby, child, young boy that you were and are now. You have always been the easiest child I know. You are so very laid back and easy going, you get these traits from your mama! You are also very brilliant and it just comes naturally to you, this my son you get from your dad! You really enjoy playing outside, with friends, and you are really becoming competitive with the sports you play. Right now your most favorite sport is basketball and you are dying to play real football in the fall! You enjoy watching any kind of T.V. And you love all Harry Potter movies! One thing that you want to do everyday when you get home from school is jump on the trampoline! You are becoming a really good eater and you like to eat a whole lot these days! I'm assuming out of brotherly love you really love to aggravate your younger brother Henry. You two have your moments for sure but you also love playing together as well! You are super in love with your baby brother Foster! You just can't seem to get enough of him! Thank you so much for giving your dad and I the best 8 years of our lives! We are so proud of the boy that you are and have become! We look forward to many, many more wonderful years spent with you, our Walker! We love you!

Mama and Daddy

Also, you have grown a ton this past year. You gained 10 pounds and grew 3 1/2 inches.... No wonder we are buying you clothes left and right! 

8 year old stats:

Weight- 65 lbs- 76%

Height- 53.25- 88%





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