Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Walker's Birthday Party

This year Walker decided he wanted to have a few friends over to go bowling and come back and spend the night.  He invited 2 friends in his class, Peyton and Isaiah, and John Lawrence.  I picked the kids up from school and we headed to the bowling alley.  Let me tell you, they were to cool for school.  They were the cutest things I have ever seen.  I loved listening to their conversations in the car.  They had so much fun bowling, playing games, and laser tag.  They all were so hyped up.  We then came back to the house for pizza, ice cream, wii, and a movie. My house has never been so loud as it was that night.  They had so much energy!  Walker had a blast and says he wants to do the same thing again next year.  Can't believe he had a true "big boy" party this year.  Time is flying!  Happy Birthday!

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