Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend at Pop and Gran Jan's

Pop and the boys making a cake for Thanksgiving Dinner!

All the boys going down to the lake to help Pop fix his dock after a little tornado whipped through their neighborhood a few months ago.

One of our favorite things to do~ Ride the golf cart to feed the animals

Auntie Martha Jane and Henry were going to have a little quite time on the hammock until it broke and they both hit the ground. It was hilarious and I am glad that I was there to wittness it. I laughed so hard!

Boys still trying to fix the dock. Bless their hearts they were out there almost all day! The dock got pulled away during the storm.
Pop and Gran Jan taking the little boys on a bear hunt. One of their favorite things to do with them.

We all have so much fun when we get together! It was such a fun weekend and we are so thankful for such a wonderful family! We make some wonderful memories when we are all together!