Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The boys Chrstmas List

Walker's Christmas List

Well yeah, this is Walker's Christmas list. A dirt bike, 3,000 bux (bucks), and a Wii. Wow, Wow, Wow! He has added to the list but he wrote it at school and I do not have that copy. That list consist of the same three things, 8 puppies, a reindeer, a DS, a red bike, and a real hamster. So needless to say Santa can't bring most of the things on his list. Eric and I just think that this is too funny.
Henry's list consist of a 4 wheeler bike scooter, (whatever in the world that is), a puppy, power ranger, a snake, and food. His list is a little easier for Santa. They are getting pretty darn excited about Christmas! It is going to be so fun this year!

1 comment:

Jan Walker said...

They need a puppy!! I let you have one, two, three, four and other furry animals too.