Sunday, March 8, 2009

Walk down to the Bridge

I know that it has been a while since I have blogged but we have been pretty busy lately around the Pangle house! I am going to try to get you updated tonight, so enjoy! A few weeks ago it was really nice out and I took the balls for a walk in the neighborhood down to the bridge. The boys love going down there and it has been a while since we have been due to winter. We had a great time! The boys tell me that we need to get big tall boots so that we can walk through the river. We just might do that after all! However this particular day, I wasn't really thinking. They both had on their good pants and not play clothes. I just had to take a picture of them to show you just how dirty they can get. Thank goodness for Shout! We can't wait until summer so that we can take many many more trips down to the bridge.

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