Thursday, October 20, 2011

Walker Baseball- The Warriors

Walker's team name is the Warriors as well. He is doing a fantastic job as well. He can hit the ball in the outfield just about every time! He is a great baseball player! He is enjoying it, and is really understanding the game at this point. He plays short stop and has an awesome throw. I have to say that watching his games is so much fun. I love watching my biggest boy play. As you can see in these pictures, he has grown up so much. He is the tallest person on his team and to me just looks huge or old. I love the little athelete he has become! His next thing that he want to do next year is play football instead of baseball. We are cool with that but we just hope Walker understands the commitment, and our Walker as you know can be a little laid back! I know that he will do great at whatever he choses to do! He hasn't quite found his passion yet with sports but is dabbling in them all! Over all he is pretty good at all! We love our boys and love going to all of their games!!! The ball fields are becoming our second home these days!

Walker and Trenton

Aunt Martha Jane and Little Bit

I love this picture!!!

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