Monday, May 18, 2009

Easter Morning and Easter Day

Isn't this a beautiful place to have Easter Lunch?

Walker was one of the first children to catch a catfish. Their were so many catfish!

Pop and Henry fishing

Pop, Gran Jan, Auntie Marta Jane, and my boys

Walker literally fished almost the whole time we were there. He really has great patience for fishing!

Henry caught a little fish!

Walker and his Gran Jan who he truly loves to death! The other boys are hands down Pop's boys but Walker has from day one loved his Gran Jan!

The only pic of mommy and her boys on Easter!

All of the kids getting ready for the Egg Hunt. As you can see Henry was being a little difficult and did not want to be in the pic, that's why I am in the pic.

We enjoyed our Easter so much. We went to mom and dad's church and then headed over to a family friends farm for Easter lunch and for some fishing. It was a beautiful day! The kids really had a great day! I was a wonderful wife and let my husband leave after church so that he could get home to watch the Masters. (just had to throw that in there...Ha). Every night since Easter, Henry always prays for the man with the black fishing poles. I think that is so cute. Obviously he and Walker had a great time!

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