Monday, April 20, 2009

Kindergarten Registration???????

Well, needless to say I can't believe that my baby is going to Kindergarten in August! He is just growing up! Mommy is going to be very sad but Walker is really excited about going! They gave Walker a series of tests and the lady who gave them came out and talked to me with the results. She said that one of the things they ask is for them to count out loud to 10. She said that Walker counted all the way to 100. She asked him what came after 100 and he said "ahh 101". She thought that it was funny. I can so see him doing that! By the way I like to record all of those little things so that one day.....when I get my blog book I can remember what they were doing. It was a big day for Walker and I just can't imagine what it will feel like when he walks in those doors on his first day! I'm going to have to pull the car over to get myself together I'm sure!

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