Friday, March 13, 2015

Christmas Day 2014

My word this day couldn't have been any better.  The kids were as excited as you can imagine and we got to spend the day with the people who mean the absolute world to us - Our families.  This was our year to head to SC to spend Christmas.  We got to enjoy our home on Christmas morning and headed out around 11:00 to SC.  We went straight to my Grandma Walker's house and had a delicious lunch and great time with family and then we headed over to my other Grandmother's house, Meme, for dinner and spend more time with great family.  Christmas is such a special time and is definitely my most favorite day of the year.  To me, it is such a bittersweet day.  It is filled with so much excitement and love and yet at the same time filled with some emptiness in our hearts as we miss those people in our families that have passed.  Memories just flood my mind from childhood, and times spent with the ones closest to us, our family.  Sorry to get so sappy but that is what Christmas does to me!  It seriously was the best Christmas Ever!  I think I say that every year and I am sure I will say that every year in the future!!
All 3 big boys sleep in our bed on Christmas Eve.  Eric and I hijacked Foster's bed for the night. 

Walker's big gift this year- I Phone 5.. Needless to say he was shocked and so surprised.  It wasn't even on his list!!

I honestly think Foster loved his candy more than anything.  However I think his scooter was a huge hit!

Henry's hot item this year were tickets to the UGA/ Kentucky basketball game.  He was so excited about these tickets!

Little Robert liked the wrapping paper the best!

Christmas at Grandma Walker's

Christmas at Meme's

My sister and I cutting up as usual....

Robert and my cousin Sallie and Riley Belle

These pictures melt my heart....Robert and my Meme.... No words

This one is getting framed...

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