Sunday, November 3, 2013

Last Day- Magic Kingdom

We spent our last day back at Magic Kingdom.  The most magical place on earth.  We made the most of this day and had such a wonderful last day!  We took our time because the park didn't close this night until 3am.  So we would never stay out that late but if we ever wanted to we could.  Foster of course is in love with all the characters as you can tell from all the character pictures.  This was by far the highlight of his trip.  He has been my only boy who has cared and wanted to get their picture made with a princesses.  We stood in line for Cinderella and he was so excited.  He thinks that she is just beautiful.  It really is so cute!  Of course we did everything this day that we did the first day and more.  I would say that we went out with a bang.  We had the most magical time and are so very glad that my parents were able to come along and share in the excitement and make this memory with us.  It was the most wonderful time and we can't wait to go back in a couple of years!
Precious Middle Brother/ Little Brother moment.  That arm....

 Waiting in line to see Cinderella...can you see the

In love

This was about midnight.  Mom and Dad had already taken Foster home.  We stayed with big boys.  They were pooped...Bless

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