The boys looked absolutely adorable Easter morning! I could have eaten them up! After church they are headed to Grandma's and Granddaddy's for a week for their spring break! They are super excited!
The night before Easter Walker lost his 4th tooth. He actually lost his third last week. I totally forgot to take a picture of it then. This night he lost one of his big teeth. It really changes the way he looks for sure. It had been hanging on by a thread for the last few days. Walker was pretty pumped about the tooth fairy and Easter bunny coming the same night......I think they did meet maybe for the first time tonight. My boy is getting so darn big, and I can't stand it!!!!! I love you baby Walker and your little teeth!
Pop, GranJan, and Auntie Martha Jane came to see both boys play ball this past Thursday. Walker had a game at 6 and Henry had a game at 7 at the same park. This was the perfect night to come watch them play. We all had a wonderful time together! Henry got the game ball that night which was so special! Thanks ya'll for coming!
We really had a great time at Henry's Egg Hunt this year. Walker was out of school last Thursday and was able to go with us. Henry was really excited to have Walker there. Walker doesn't get to go to any of Henry's things at school because usually he is in school. Henry went to all of Walker's things because he wasn't in Preschool yet. We all were glad to have Walker with us for the day! Walker actually took the pictures except the one of him and Henry. I think that he did a awesome job!
Expelliarmus, Henry's pronunciation is "Finneomeomous"
The definition for Expelliarmus is a spell that disarms your opponent. That is exactly what Henry is doing here but not sure if he knows what it means. He just try's to say this word all the time when he is playing Harry Potter. I love it!
Henry is playing this year on the Cardinals. He is so funny playing. When it is his turn to bat he walks extremely slow to the plate, holds his bat like a cane, and is hunched over. He tells everybody that he is Yoda from Star Wars. Hilarious! There is never a dull moment with him. He is not paying attention like Walker, he is more concerned with trying out new tricks, gymnastic moves, or dance moves while he is in the outfield. Henry you are a hoot son!
Walker's baseball team this year is called the RockHounds! We had opening day on March 27th. Walker did awesome! He is playing 3rd base this year. He has really gotten much better since the last season he played which was 2 seasons ago. I think maybe his age has something to do with it. He understands the game for the most part. He hits the ball really well! We are looking forward to several home runs this year! I love my boys in their baseball uniforms! Our life these days are baseball with both boys playing on 2 separate teams, 2 different practice schedules, 2 different game schedules. This is our life and we love it! We can't wait to add another baseball player to the family! I have a friend that we see at the ball fields who has 3 boys. She has said welcome to the "bleacher butt" club. I love it!
I am a stay at home mom to 3 precious little boys! My job is so rewarding! I really enjoy being the only girl in the house. They treat me like a Queen! It's awesome.