Mother's Day is to me one of the most important holidays that we celebrate! Being a mother is something that I have always dreamed of my whole life. I remember when I was going to the hospital to have my first child Walker, I thought that this was the biggest accomplishment I would achieve in my life. My was a right or what? It is the most rewarding things to me. Anyways, the boys and Eric made mother's day so special to me. We went to church in the morning and then they took me out to cracker barrel. I love this place because it is so cozy and it makes you feel like you are eating at your grandmother's house. Then they got me 2 rose bushes, and a crepe myrtle tree to plant in my back yard. We spent the rest of the afternoon planting my new things, and doing our first ever garden. It was such a special day spent with my husband and babies! I will always remember my tree and my bushes came from my boys. Also, in the picture is a deal that I got that I had to share with you. I love getting deals! On Saturday the day before Mother's Day we were on our way to Walker's baseball game. and we passed a furniture consignment place. Eric and I were in two separate cars and I was behind him and he called me and told me that I should stop and check it out. So, I stopped and needless to say I got the deal of a century. When I walked up I saw these two chairs and fell in love. They feel like you are resting in a hammock. I didn't see a price tag so I just figured they were out of my price range, so I just continued looking at other things. I ended up getting some little things and as I was walking out they caught my eye again. I decided I should just ask the price. The lady said, "Well make me an offer". I am not good at that so I just told her that I didn't know. She then said, "I'll give you them both for 20 dollars". I was blown away. I was in Eric's car, and had no cash which was all she would take. I ran across to an atm and got cash, ran back and paid for them but told her that I would have to come get them later in my van. After the game Eric and I went back and got them. She wanted me to know that I got a great deal. She said that she could have sold them 15 times. She was like these are really nice, they are Nags Head Hammocks. I knew then that I had gotten a deal but wasn't really sure how good of a deal until Eric pulled them up on the Internet. What I got for 20 dollars added up to over 700 dollars. Plus, they have just been re roped. Deal or what? I know it was a long story but I just had to tell how the whole thing happened. Needless to say, it was a wonderful wonderful Mother's Day Weekend! I love all my boys!! Thanks
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
3 days ago