Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A quick trip to Pop and Gran Jan's

A couple of weeks ago Kim and I took the boys up to Pop and  Gran Jan's for a night and to go to the Popsicle sale on Friday.  We got there on Thursday and immediately the boys wanted to go for a ride on the boat and a quick dip in the lake.  They had a great time and little Foster was madder than a hornet that he couldn't get in the water.  None of the adults were dressed to get in the lake.  Pop had a great idea and emptied this tub he had on the boat and put water in it and Foster was more than happy!  Our reason for going up was to attend the Popsicle Sale that my Aunt puts on every year to honor her husband, Steve that passed away to diabetes.  She sells Popsicle's to raise money for the American Diabetes Association.  It is a fun event but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures that day due to hot, tired, all out of sorts Henry.  It was a fun quick trip as always!

Gran Jan bought a cake to celebrate Henry's birthday!  The boys loved it!

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