Monday, January 17, 2011

Why does it have to be this hard?

This was at Stone Mountain on Walker's Birthday.  I really wanted a picture of me and my boys.  It seriously took 10 pictures to finally get a decent picture.  They kept falling, making me fall, acting crazy, and well just being boys.  It might be a while before you see us 3 in a picture together will see why below....


Jackie said...

Poor Ellen you were beginning to look a little worn out. Cute pictures though and of course Great grandparents

Bringing Home to the City said...

LOVE THIS POST! This is absolutely hilarious!

HKtai said...

I love this post! It says it all. Why is it that hard to take a picture? It does make wonderful memories :)

Caroline said...

this whole post put a big smile on my face! So sweet and cute!

Team Hames said...

Love this!!! So true! This is way better than the perfect picture!