Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Baking

Ingredients for Coffee Cake

Boys having fun cutting out Christmas Cookies

Last Friday the boys and I stayed in our PJ's all day and baked.  We had so much fun!  I am not sure who was more excited them or me.  We literally baked all day.  We made sugar cookies, pretzel sticks dipped in white chocolate, ritz crackers with peanut butter dipped in white chocolate, and 9 coffee cakes.  We made a huge mess but it was fun!  One recipe for coffee cake makes 3 cakes.  I love wrapping them up and delivering them to neighbors.  The neighbors love the cakes and ask for them every year!  That is a tradition that I take from my mom.  We had Christmas music playing in the back ground and it just brought back so many memories.  I enjoyed every minute of it and I know that this time with my kids is so short and in a blink I will wish I had these days back.  They are young for a short time and old for much longer.  I hope that they will carry on these traditions with their kids!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I already miss the nights that I had to rock Henry in the middle of the night. As crazy as it sounds, I love it when he wakes up for some reason!