Sunday, October 10, 2010

Storm Fans

This past Thursday night, Pop and Gran Jan came down to watch Henry play soccer.  Aunt Martha Jane came to see him play too.  It was a good family night!  After the game we went to meet Kim and her boys for dinner before Pop and Gran Jan had to hit the road to go back to Spartanburg. What grandparents do for their grand kids, drive 2 hours to watch a 45 minute game and then drive back 2 hours.  I guess we all will be like that when we are grandparents!  *Henry's team is called the Storm*


Jackie said...

Heck I might not get to everything Henry does but 3 and 1/2 hours won't keep me away from most. Jan and I wouldn't miss the special things our grand children do for the world.

Jackie said...

Of course you know I mean Henry Dangel. Isn't that funny Henry Dangel and Henry Pangel...