Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Scooters, Scooters, Everywhere!!!

I have been trying to get things together in Foster's room.  I was going through shoes the other day and just couldn't believe how many pairs of scooters I have.  By the way, I have thrown some away over the years too.  These red and blue scooters are all that I put my boys in from the time they could walk to just about 3 years old.  I love them.  This is one of those many things that I can't wait to see again on one of my boys!  These are just going to be his play scooters.  I will have to purchase more for him to go out in!  After going through 2 boys, they have to be put in the "play shoe" pile.

1 comment:

Kim said...

That is too cute! It reminds me of the early years with JL and Walker.