Thursday, November 5, 2009

Henry's Halloween Party at School

This is my baby's first year in preschool. He was so excited that he got to wear his lion costume to school. The school actually called me as I was on my way there for the party to tell me that Henry had been crying for a while and they tried everything to calm him down. Nothing obviously worked. This is so not like my Henry. When I got there he continued crying for another 15 minutes. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong. It was very strange. Finally he stopped crying when it was his class turn to go on the hay ride. Once he calmed down I asked him why he was crying. I couldn't believe his response........."I was crying because I didn't want my paint to come off". He was talking about his whiskers and nose. I just laughed inside. It is amazing what little things can set off a child. I just thought that it was precious. I told him that all that crying would make the paint come off. He ended up having a blast at school and got a lot of candy! He is the cutest lion I have ever seen!

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