Thursday, August 6, 2009

Going Going Gone!

It was getting ready to fall out at this point!
It's gone= tear for mama

Let me tell you this was not easy for me. This was the first real growing up thing that I cried over. When they loose a tooth it just changes their look from baby, toddler to Kid! However he does look so stinking cute without this tooth! I just look at him and crack up because it is so different looking. The tooth beside the one he just lost is loose now so that will really look funny when that one is gone. He was so excited for the tooth fairy! The tooth fairy came 2 nights after he lost his tooth because my mom was coming in town and she had the tooth pillow that me and my other siblings used. I just thought that was so special that my boys get to use the same one I used. Walker totally understood this and from now on the tooth fairy will come that same night. You would have thought Santa was coming he was so excited! I just think it is too precious!

1 comment:

Jan Walker said...

I love, love, love his bright little face!